2 Speedwell House, Buxton Road, Castleton, S33 8WP
07943 196256 / 07946 353361

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Bakewell Market Town

Bakewell is probably best known for its delicious Pudding. However, there are many more attractions to make a visit well worthwhile, from shopping and markets (Monday is the main market day) to relaxing strolls and special events.

Situated on the banks of the river Wye, Bakewell is the biggest town in the Peak District National Park. Its historic architecture and bridge make for interesting viewing and a draw for painters and photographers.

For beer aficionados, the nearby renowned Thornbridge Brewery is an essential stopping point.

For more information, visit: https://www.visitpeakdistrict.com/explore/towns-and-villages/bakewell-p680091

Location: DE45

Distance From Speedwell House: 30 minutes in the car (14.9 miles)

Perfect for:  Shoppers, Explorers, Families, Events

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